I'm unable to connect to the RubiQ Configurator

If you can't connect the drone to the RubiQ Configurator, you may need to install drivers.

This article applies to RubiQ 2.0 (Taranis X9 Lite).

For help connecting RubiQ 1.0/1.5 or RubiQ 2.0 (Taranis Q X7) to INAV, click here.

If you're having trouble connecting to the RubiQ Configurator:

Check to make sure the port dropbox in the top right is set to the correct option. The exact name of the port depends on the computer being used. Common names include USBtoUART and COM3. Click the Connect button to restart the connection process.

If your computer is not recognizing your board, download the VCP drivers directly from the following links:

  • Download: Windows 7-current
    • Right-click the file and select extract all. This will bring up a sub-menu asking you to select a destination for the extracted files.
    • Press the extract option at the bottom. From there a new file window will appear containing multiple files.
      • Select the application file called CP210xVCPInstaller_x86 for 32-bit operating systems.
      • Select the application file called CP210xVCPInstaller_x64 for 64-bit operating systems.
    • Proceed through the onscreen prompts and various windows until the installation is complete.

To determine if your PC is 32- or 64-bit, open your Control Panel > System > and look for the line item System Type. This will dictate if you are using a 32 or 64-bit OS.

  • Download: Mac
    • Double-click the file to begin unzipping the file. A new .DMG file will appear.
    • Double-click the .DMG file to begin the installation process.
    • Proceed through the onscreen prompts until the installation is complete.

Once you’ve downloaded, unzipped and installed the driver:

  • Restart the RubiQ Configurator and unplug and plug RubiQ back into the computer.
  • The VCP driver facilitates the connection between RubiQ and your computer’s ports. It should auto-select the correct port once it has been downloaded.

If you downloaded the drivers and still cannot connect:

Try a different USB cable. RubiQ needs a data USB cable to connect to the RubiQ Configurator. Some USB cables are charging-only. These cables deliver only power and are not able to establish a connection between RubiQ’s flight controller and configurator.

If you are still unable to connect:

Please attempt a manual port selection.

  1. Click on the drop-down menu in the upper right of the RubiQ Configurator and selecting the “Manual Selection” option. From there, a new box will appear to the left that begins with “Port:”.
  2. Enter /dev/tty.SLAB_USBtoUART
  3. Unplug and plug RubiQ back into the computer.
  4. Click Connect in the upper right.

Still having trouble? Please submit a support ticket.