RubiQ's LEDs are malfunctioning.

If the LEDs are rainbow colored, completely white, or flashing rapidly, the PCB is malfunctioning.

If the LEDs don't match those pictured in Step 5 of the configuration guide:

First, review Step 5 of the configuration guide by clicking the link below for your version of RubiQ:

If the LEDs don't match those pictured in the configuration guide, first try resetting RubiQ back to her default settings. Return to the Reset Default Configuration step according to your version of RubiQ. Note that you'll need to re-complete all of the following steps in the configuration guide.

RubiQ-LED-malfunctionIf the LEDs are rainbow colored, completely white, or flashing rapidly:

The PCB is malfunctioning. Please submit a support ticket to return the PCB to the shop.