If the channel bars don't move correctly in the RubiQ Configurator, check the channel map and bind.
This article applies to RubiQ 2.0 (Taranis X9 Lite).
For help with RubiQ 1.0/1.5 or RubiQ 2.0 (Taranis Q X7) channel bars in INAV, click here.
If the channels aren’t mapped correctly:
If the channels aren’t mapped correctly (for example, the Roll bar moves when you raise the throttle on the radio), switch the Channel Map to Default/AETR (Aileron, Elevator, Throttle, Rudder). Press save and test the sticks again.
If your bars aren’t moving in the RubiQ Configurator:
The bind was not successful. Return to Step 1 of the Configuration Guide and rework through the binding process.
If you continue to experience issues:
Check that you’re operating on the correct version of the RubiQ Configurator. You must download the RubiQ Configurator directly from here.